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What VIDEO Surveillancemeans to you

improved operations

Productivity & Profits

Improved safety

Theft & Incident Reduction

Peace of mind

Clarity, Access, Notification

visual proof

Nothing beats it in a court of law.

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Plan. Design. Install

360º Service = Equipment + Installation + Apps. // Installation Only = We’ll install your equipment.

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    Physical Security & Employee Theft Prevention

    “My business has a lot of cash transactions and a lot of regulations that make security cameras an absolute must. Rogue Camera Guys provided a simple solution that I can manage. The system has saved me tens of thousands in employee theft that was previously impossible to account for.”

    Improved Operations & Onsite Security

    “I manage several properties and it was impossible to be everywhere when needed, but our new system allows me to provide the security and 24/7 eyes on flexibility that was so depirately needed.”

    Easy monitoring

    Right at your fingertips.

    Our feature rich systems come with the FREE FLIR Cloud Basic plan that includes 2-day video backup (up to 10 gigabytes of cloud storage)

    We’ll get everything set up for simple one-touch monitoring on all of your devices.

    Help Improve Your Community.

    Register Your Cameras. // with SCRAM

    medford police SCRAM camera registration


    Surveillance Camera Registration and Mapping

    You can help make Medford Safer simply by registering;

    The goal of the camera registry program is to deter crime and promote public safety through collaboration between the Medford Police and the community we serve.  Each registrant will receive a S.C.R.A.M program sticker in the mail that can be posted in a visible area to alert others to your participation in the program.



    Register Your Cameras!

    Protecting Homes & Business

    Just Like Yours